• Build, Lease, Maintain & Transfer (BLMT) model
  • Build, Operate & Own (BOO) model
  • Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) model

PROVEN EXPERIENCE in BLMT of complex, large-scale public facilities

24/7 ON-SITE maintenance teams


Covering every small aspect of
big public projects

Our increasing involvement in public infrastructure and utilities projects through public-private partnerships leverages the full scope of our competencies. We have a proven track record in structuring, financing, building, and managing public projects, providing enduring solutions for our partners and helping cities grow.

UITM Campus,

The challenge

High initial capital cost of building the campus and long-term cost of maintenance.

Our solution

A concession to build the campus and provision of long-term asset management services under a BLMT model.

Energy Concessions

The challenge

High capital cost of building, operating and maintaining renewable energy generation systems.

Our solution

Through PPAs, public utilities providers and IPPs will be able to obtain renewable energy from us without the challenges of owning and managing their own energy infrastructures.